Definition of Compulsion in English

Before entering fully into the meaning of the term compulsion, we are going to proceed to know its etymological origin. In this case, we can state that it derives from Latin, exactly from the word “compulsio”, which can be translated as “pressure” or “force that is done to something or someone”.

A compulsion is called an exaggerated and impetuous propensity towards something. The concept is often used in the field of psychology.

It can be said that a compulsion is an obsessive or addictive behavior that develops from a stimulus that is overwhelming for the individual. Compulsions appear in people who, in appearance, are healthy, but who cannot stop the inclination towards the object that attracts them excessively.

In general, this psychological disorder appears in subjects who do not find stimulation in their daily activities or who have repressed anguish. That which triggers the compulsion appears to them as an outlet and gives them a pleasure that they want to experience over and over again.

It is important to establish that there are different types of compulsions:
Thus, on the one hand, we cannot ignore the existence of what are known as everyday compulsions. These are activities that a person performs routinely every day and that end up becoming compulsive. Specifically, this is something that can happen with activities such as having sex, sleeping, playing sports, eating, cleaning …

On the other hand, we run into so-called recreational or playful compulsions. These are the ones that are identified because they begin as a simple way to distract themselves and end up becoming a routine and from there into compulsive activities. These are identified by the fact that the person who has them is capable of losing the sense of reality. That is, you may even forget or put aside your obligations.

In addition to everything indicated, we cannot ignore the existence of another type of compulsion that occurs with certain frequency. We are referring to what is called the repetition compulsion.
A factor that becomes relevant in the so-called recreational compulsions versus everyday compulsions is adrenaline. And it is that this becomes addictive.

The compulsion can be triggered by various situations or objects. There are people who develop a compulsion to buy: they feel the need to buy products all the time, even those they don’t need. Any advertising or promotion, or even the simple fact of observing a product, can generate that intention to make a purchase.

There are men and women, on the other hand, who develop a compulsion for food. These individuals try to hide or cover up different frustrations or anguish through food intake. They are people who eat in exaggerated amounts and at all times.

The gambling, the use of technological devices, the sport and to work can become compulsions when someone fails to control how you approach these stimuli.
